
Generate a complete sales script with AI

To generate a complete conversation with a client or chat script using artificial intelligence, log in to your Hyperscript account and click on "Create script with AI".


In the "Script creation with AI" pop-up window, start by selecting the desired language for the script (17 languages available). Next, complete the fields: "Company name", "What is the company’s business area?", and "What product are you going to sell to the client?" Once filled out, click the green "Create with AI" button.



Script generation typically takes around 30 seconds, please, wait a moment. You will see a notification "Artificial intelligence generates scripts”  in "My Scripts" section while the script generation process is ongoing.



Once the generation is complete, the AI-generated script will appear in the "My Scripts" section. You will also see a green notification in the upper right corner of the screen, stating "Script [AI] created" along with the script's name. To access the script, click the "Open Script" button or find it in the "My Scripts" section.



Now you can customize the script to fit the unique aspects of your business. If needed, you can regenerate specific script steps, anticipate potential customer objections, or generate appropriate responses.