AI-powered sales script creator
Generate a complete sales script with AI
Generate a script step with AI
Generate responses with AI
Generate possible objections with AI
Providing Access
Adding an answer/step
Deleting a step
Deleting an answer
Moving the step in the diagram
Connection of the two existing steps
Changing of the text, formating
Changing the response text
Switch to editing from the Viewer tab
Jump from script to script
Fast transitions
No needed answer
Statistics, conversion measurement
Conversion to a goal
Data substitution in amoCRM, Kommo and Bitrix24
Apply Fields
Other CRMs
How to install HyperScript in Kommo
How to connect HyperScript with Kommo
How to exchange data between scripts and Kommo
How to create automated tasks in Kommo
User's rearrangement in Bitrix24
How to instal HyperScript in Pipedrive
User’s rearrangement in Pipedrive
Fast Transitions in Pipedrive
Operator's manual
Adding new notes
Data Entry and Substitution
Passing the script
All the information entered in the fields during the passage of the script is in the Data section
Also, this information, you can get in the form of an Excel file