
Passing the script

Scripts can be used both within, and through CRM, which your company uses (for this HyperScript should be connected to the appropriate CRM).

The passage of the script in all systems follows the same principle. The main difference is how to get into the script passing window.

If you will pass the scripts on

You were added to the system as an operator and given the access to the script needed. You have entered to the system with your login and password and see the main page "Scripts"

Above is the horizontal menu of the HyperScript system.

In the upper corner on the right is your name, surname or e-mail address, which are indicated at registration. Clicking on them will open the drop-down menu

If you click on "Exit", you will be taken to the main page of the system.

If you click on "Profile", a page with information about you will open. On the profile page, you can change your data: name, surname and phone, add a photo.

The Save button saves changes to the system.

You will see the message "Profile data saved successfully".

To return to the "Scripts" page, click on the link in the top menu.

To open the script passing window, click on the block with the name of the script.

In addition to the name on the widget, the number of passes through the script is displayed   and the number of users who also have access to this script – pastedGraphic_2.png.

Script passing window

The screen for the script is displayed. In all systems, it has the same elements.

Consider passing the script on the HyperScript website.

In the main part there are questions of a script with answer buttons and fields for filling. Fields must be filled in the course of the conversation. The text you write down there is automatically entered in the customer's card.

In the right part of the script passing window, you see the area of the auxiliary blocks.

Under the system's horizontal menu is a drop-down menu. Now it displays the name of the open script.

To select another script, click on the arrow in the menu and under the items "Add Script" and "Order Script" you will see all the scripts available to you.