
Statistics, conversion measurement

Life situation. You have a script, you need to improve it to sell more.

First of all, it's worth to measure how effective the current script is. One way to do this is to calculate the conversion, that is, the ratio of successful attempts to their total number.

Next, copy the script using the "Copy" function of the script menu and make changes to the copy.

How to understand what changes are worth making? There are two main ways: to look at the script's map and determine which of the nodes "most customers" fall out; listen to records of conversations of successful sales (if you are recording) and add good phrases to the updated version.

Versions for comparison are ready. The case for small: make passages by operators on one and the other version and compare the conversion. Which version of the script is higher, that won.

Measuring the conversion of the script and operators is based on setting goals, the achievement of which will be an indicator of a successful or not successful passage.

In order to set a goal, being in the designer, select the node and in its properties set the flag "Is the target". Then save the changes.

The goal is set, you can measure the conversion of the script and operators!

Next, to collect statistics, it is necessary for operators to have several conversations using a script.

After that, by going to the "Conversion" section of the corresponding script, you can view the statistics:

Conversion of the current version of the script as a whole

Conversion of each operator according to the current version of the script

Number of calls total

Number of successful / rejected

Which nodes are the most problematic

Which nodes do not have the right answer?