
Data Entry and Substitution

The "Data" block will be required for you if you need to fill in additional data fields. Example: the client answers your question and tells about himself or the company something not from the proposed structure of the script. The required field is not visible at the current step, but the information is valuable. In this case, you can add it to the corresponding field of the data block at any time.

The block looks like a form to fill. It includes all the fields used in this script. There are fields for text, numerical values ​​and "checkboxes" (these are fields in which you can tick off).

The information will be saved in HyperScript on the data tab (available to the administrator), and automatically transferred to the client card if a CRM system is connected. Also these fields (if they are in the script) are scattered around the text of the script and they can be filled in the course of the conversation.

If you entered information in the text of the script, it will immediately appear in the field of the data block, and also appear on the other steps of the script. For example, a name. Filling it in the first question, the following system will substitute itself in the following and you will not forget how to address the client.